The Finnish energy supplier Lumme Energia announced today that it will power all of its electric vehicle charging points with EKOenergy.
We are very pleased with this news. Several studies have proven that electric vehicles are always cleaner than cars with combustion engines, even when they are powered by electricity from coal. However, our common ambition should, of course, be to power these cars with the cleanest energy available.
With their choice to use EKOenergy, Lumme Energia and the users of their charging points are not only choosing to use renewables but are also taking an extra step for sustainable development. The energy with the EKOenergy label fulfils additional sustainability criteria and raises funds for new renewable energy projects. Users of EKOenergy also support us in our efforts to promote renewable energy worldwide.
As part of our renewable energy work, EKOenergy is actively following the electric mobility sector and we are regularly communicating about the spectacular evolutions taking place in this industry. The rapid electrification of transport is a game-changer in the fight against climate change. It may also become a key element in securing grid balancing in systems where most energy comes from variable sources, such as solar and wind. Last year, we were also involved in discussions about roaming in the charging point sector (meaning that European consumers would be able to use any charging point in Europe, with one contract, as is the case for mobile communication).
As with renewable energy, the evolution in the sector happens quickly, but not yet quickly enough to avoid dramatic climate change. More needs to be done, and we want to play a (humble) role in that.
We thank Lumme for their trust in our work, and we hope that many other energy companies and charging point operators will follow their example. Feel free to get in touch.
Picture: Pixabay, CC0 Creative Commons
Posted on 23 January 2018