Thanks to last year’s sales, EKOenergy’s Climate Fund is able to keep on financing new renewable energy projects in developing countries. We have just decided on our first donations of 2016: we will support solar projects in Tanzania, Cameroon and Togo.
€ 30, 000 for Oikos’ ‘Solar for Schools’ in Tanzania
This project takes place in the Arusha region, in Northern Tanzania. The Italian organisation Oikos wants to install solar panels on at least 20 rural secondary schools, improving educational and living standards of students, families and teachers. Our donation will fund 5 of these installations.
The project is a follow up of an earlier solar project in the same area, to which we donated €10,000.
In addition to the installation of solar panels, Oikos will also develop a business model to guarantee the management and maintenance of the systems. This will ensure the project’s long-term sustainability.
€20, 000 for Solafrica. Solar for Schools and Hospitals in Cameroon
Our project in Cameroon is part of Climate Caravan, a project of the Swiss organisation Solafrica. This year, the Climate Caravan will electrify at least three schools and two health centres in the regions of Mengang, Nyong and Dja.
With our contribution, Solafrica and its local partners will be able to cover the costs of the electrification of the health centres.
By electrifying health centres, the project will improve the existing health infrastructure, by being able to provide light after sunset and allow for the use of solar-powered fridges to conserve vaccinations and medicine. Use of electricity provides a significant improvement to the healthcare system in the rural areas of Cameroon.
€10, 000 for Solar Without Borders in Togo
‘Solar kiosks’ are one of the main focuses of Solar without Borders: constructions equipped with solar panels which are centrally located in villages without an electricity supply. Local residents can rent rechargeable lamps and charge them using solar power and will be able to charge other kinds of batteries such as those found in mobile phones. EKOenergy is going to finance the construction of three new kiosks.
Another great facet about this project that employs local people; each solar kiosk is run by a self-employed local operator trained by the NGO. A great incentive for local entrepreneurship.
Posted on 31 March 2016