Over the past decade, EKOenergy has transformed from an ambitious European initiative to an internationally recognised and globally available ecolabel for renewable energy. This has allowed us to make an even greater additional positive impact, year after year.

- Between 2013-2023, we have provided almost 3 million euros in financing for 94 solar projects aimed at alleviating energy poverty in low and middle-income countries.
- By collecting a mere 0.10 euros per MWh of EKOenergy-labelled energy consumption, we have been able to make a real difference in the lives of people living in remote, off-grid villages in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
- Moreover, we have granted 450,000 euros for 25 river restoration projects to support aquatic biodiversity.
- Through the renewable energy projects we have financed, we have also contributed to the realisation of 9 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We’re proud of the tangible positive impact we have managed to create, thanks to the interest and trust of the growing number of EKOenergy consumers.
You can read more about the Concrete Impact Made Thanks to EKOenergy Users in our recent publication.
Published on 18 October 2023