Our Climate Fund has been growing steadily. Since 2015, our contribution to alleviating energy poverty and reaching the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reached almost 2 million euros!
For every MWh of sold EKOenergy-labelled volumes, 0.10 € goes to EKOenergy’s Climate Fund, to finance new renewable energy projects in developing countries. All supported projects contribute to the realisation of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 2 ‘zero hunger’ and SDG 3 ‘Good health and well-being’. These projects change lives by improving access to reliable, clean energy. You can find an overview of finished and started projects on our Climate Fund page.
We are proud to announce that as of 2022, the total cumulative amount of our Climate Fund grants has reached 1,974,217 €. This has allowed us to finance 78 projects in 27 countries. (The sum includes the funds that have been set aside to finance renewable energy projects in Mali and Myanmar, in cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation. Part of these funds has not yet been assigned to concrete projects.)
EKOenergy’s Climate Fund is explicitly mentioned in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. It was also highlighted in the first Good SDG Practices publication of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and it is a crucial component of EKOenergy’s Energy Compact, accepted by the UN-Energy in 2021.
EKOenergy also has a separate Environmental Fund to mitigate the damage done by hydropower plants. Our Environmental Fund finances mainly river restoration projects to improve living conditions for aquatic species.
To learn more about EKOenergy’s work, follow us on social media: Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Xing.
Published: 2 July 2022