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Studying ice in Greenland

A study trip to Greenland One of our objectives was to study CO2 fluxes between the ocean and atmosphere. CO2 flux refers to the amount of CO2 (measured in moles) moving through unit square meter area per second. We analysed data collected from a measurement station located in a fjord ‘Young Sound’ in the high

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Amongst the 100 best

EKOenergy has been one of the winners of the “100 projects for the climate” initiative led by the French Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and the Sea. This participatory program aimed to promote citizen initiatives that address climate issues. The citizens elected the 100 best projects that could benefit from support, visibility, and promotion until

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A sunny day out in Vihti!

Since the first hydropower dams, rivers have been suffering due to the demand that hydropower places on the local ecosystem. EKOenergy is working to alleviate some of these damages. As well as only certifying hydropower that is sustainable, EKOenergy has an Environmental Fund which is used to restore rivers and fish passes. Our team from the

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Switching to EKOenergy for Otava was easy

Last year, the whole Otava Group switched to EKOenergy. This means that all ‘Suomalainen Kirjakauppa’ bookstores now use EKOenergy-certified electricity. Otava is the second largest publishing house in Finland, and their printing house also uses EKOenergy. Many think that switching to eco-labelled electricity is a difficult and complex thing to do in a company with

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A new trend: 100% EKOenergy

A lot of electricity sellers are joining strengths with EKOenergy. Only in 2016, already 15 more sellers took the decision to start offering EKOenergy to their consumers. Very interesting is that 2 of these new sellers take it even one step further: they sell ONLY EKOenergy. They follow the example of the Finnish company Ekosähkö,

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