For each megawatt-hour sold as EKOenergy hydropower, a contribution of at least 0.10 € (ten cents) is paid to EKOenergy’s Environmental Fund. These contributions are used to finance the implementation of river restoration projects. For this year, and after a previous call in the spring, we still have 15,000 euros in the Fund. The money comes from sales of EKOenergy-labelled hydropower in Finland and will therefore be used for projects in Finland.
We prefer to assign this money to a concrete project during the current year. We welcome applications!
Applications must be submitted no later than 22 November 2020. An expert group will select the best projects from the proposals we receive.
The requested amount can be maximum 15,000 €. The applicant’s financial solvency and previous experience of similar projects, as well as the high communication potential and the possibility to duplicate the project, will be considered as advantages. Above all, the projects will be assessed from the perspective of their ecological significance. We want to achieve the greatest possible environmental benefit in a cost-effective manner. Co-financing is also possible.
What to include in your application?
Keep the application short (max 3 pages – pdf).
Applications can be made in Finnish, Swedish or English. Please add a 300 word summary in English.
- A brief and clear description of the project itself: what, where, when, who, to whom, and why.
- The nature conservation outcomes the project aims to achieve. Briefly describing which species and habitats will benefit from the project.
- Which organisation will be responsible for implementing the project.
- The contact details (name, telephone, e-mail).
- Information on how you plan to communicate about the project. Briefly describing the communication channels you have.
Other information and instructions
- Please send your application by Sunday 22 November (end of the day) by email to ekoenergyfunds
- If we do not respond to your email within 48 hours of sending it, contact us.
Additional information:
Steven Vanholme