EKOenergy and carbon accounting
EKOenergy-labelled energy fulfils the conditions required for CDP reporting and is compatible with other reporting standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. See how these reporting initiatives refer to EKOenergy in the paragraphs hereafter. You can also find our summary of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance below.
When communicating about EKOenergy use, carbon footprint shouldn’t be the main focus, the other additional benefits and impacts that EKOenergy brings can be highlighted instead. Read more about the positive impact of EKOenergy on the EKOenergy for your company webpage, or check out the EKOenergy brand book to learn more about how EKOenergy users can communicate about their choice.
CDP works with 6000 of the largest companies in the world. The organisation helps businesses calculate their carbon emissions and encourages them to develop effective carbon emission reduction strategies.
On page 15 and 16 of its technical notes for accounting of scope 2 emissions (i.e. emissions related to the production of purchased electricity and heat), CDP explains how companies can do more:
„Ecolabels are a way for companies to do more with their purchases. The GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance mentions the EKOenergy label as an option, as it is a mark of quality which comes on top of tracking certificates. Electricity sold with the EKOenergy label fulfils strict environmental criteria and raises funds for new renewable energy projects. Involvement, transparency, and ‘deeds not words’ are important principles of EKOenergy’s work.„
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is a worldwide standard for carbon accounting. It is a joint product of the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
In January 2015, the Secretariat of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol published a Guidance on how to account for the carbon emissions of purchased electricity and heat. In ‘carbon footprint terminology’ these emissions are known as scope 2 emissions. Hence the name of the document: The Scope 2 Guidance.
The Guidance refers to EKOenergy several times. Chapter 11, which encourages companies to go one step further, refers to EKOenergy’s Climate Fund.
Summary of the Scope 2 Guidance
Our summary of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance is available in many languages. The document also contains a glossary.
- CN – 外购电力温室气体排放的申报
- CS – Vykazování emisí skleníkových plynů, které jsou způsobeny nákupem elektřiny
- DE – Erstellen eines Klimabilanzberichts über die durch gekauften Strom verursachten Treibhausgasemissionen
- EN – Reporting greenhouse gas emissions caused by purchased electricity
- ES – Contabilidad de Gases de Efecto Invernadero producidos por la compra de electricidad
- FI – Energiankulutuksesta aiheutuvien kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen raportointi
- FR – Suivi et déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet serre causées par l’achat d’électricité
- HU – A vásárolt villamos energia okozta üvegházhatású gáz kibocsátásának elszámolása
- IS – Skýrslugjöf um losun gróðurhúsaloftegunda af völdum aðkeyptrar raforku
- IT – Report sulle emissioni di gas serra derivanti dal consumo di elettricità
- JP – 電力購入により生じる温室効果ガス排出の報告について
- LV – Ziņošana par siltumnīcefekta gāzu izmešiem, kurus rada iepirktā elektroenerģija
- NL – Rapportage van broeikasgasemissies veroorzaakt door gekochte elektriciteit
- PL – Raportowanie emisji gazów cieplarnianych wynikających z zakupu energii elektrycznej
- PT – Comunicar as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa provenientes da aquisição de eletricidade
- RU – Отчетность о выбросах парникового газа, причиненных покупным электричеством
- SQ – Raportimi i emitimit te gazit serrë të shkaktuara nga blerja e energjisë elektrike
- SV – Rapportering av växthusgasutsläpp orsakade vid köp av elektricitet
- TR – Satın alınan elektriğin sebep olduğu sera gazı emisyonlarının raporlanması