Communicating with the EKOenergy logo – Brand book
Increase your positive impact by inspiring others
Become part of the worldwide transition towards sustainable, renewable energy: become an EKOenergy user, and spread the word to others!
EKOenergy’s logo and communication materials are available in many languages and formats. EKOenergy’s authorised sellers and users of EKOenergy-labelled energy can contact us at to get access to these materials.

When you use the EKOenergy logo in your communication, you show that you are using renewable energy that comes from the most eco-friendly installations and at the same time you inspire and encourage others to commit to renewable energy. This helps to speed up the transition to a 100% renewable world and increases your positive impact beyond your own choice of renewable energy.
As many choose to use our internationally recognised EKOenergy logo, our network of positive energy is growing in many countries!
EKOenergy’s logo in your publications and on your products and website
You can use the EKOenergy logo on products, your website, marketing and communication materials, sustainability reports, buildings (such as shops and offices), and more.
Inform EKOenergy’s Secretariat via before using our name and/or logo in your communication, and remember to always follow the rules of our brand book.
Brand book and recommendations
Our authorised sellers and all EKOenergy consumers are welcome to use the EKOenergy name and logo, given that they inform us before using it for the first time. We appreciate it when you mention and tag us in your social media posts too.
Remember to check out our brand book for additional information and guidelines on how to use our name and logo.
Our brand book is available in the following languages:
- EN: EKOenergy’s brand book – A guide for communication using the EKOenergy logo
- DE: EKOenergie Brand Book – Ein Leitfaden für die Kommunikation unter Verwendung des EKOenergie-Logos
- ES: Libro de la marca EKOenergía – Una guía para la comunicación utilizando el logotipo de EKOenergía
- FI: EKOenergian brändikirja – Opas viestintään EKOenergia-logon avulla
- FR: Brand Book EKOénergie – Le guide pour la communication utilisant le logo EKOénergie
- IT: Brand Book EKOenergy – Guida all’uso del marchio EKOenergy per la comunicazione
- RU: Брендбук ЭКОэнергии – Гид по использованию логотипа ЭКОэнергии
For a quick overview of the main rules and recommendations, see our one-pager, which is available in the following languages:
- EN: What can you communicate as an EKOenergy user?
- DE: Wie kommunizieren Sie als EKOenergie-Nutzer?
- ES: ¿Qué puede comunicar como usuario de EKOenergía?
- FR: Que pouvez-vous communiquer en tant qu’utilisateur d’EKOénergie?
- IT: Cosa potete comunicare in quanto consumatori EKOenergy?

You can find more examples of how others are using our logo on EKOenergy’s Flickr page.
Contact us
Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Feel free to get in touch. We are happy to help in various languages.