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Kierrätyskeskus johdattaa kohti kiertotaloutta EKOenergian voimin

”Kiertotaloudella tarkoitetaan sellaista tuotanto- ja kulutusmallia, jossa olemassa olevat materiaalit ja tuotteet hyödynnetään mahdollisimman pitkälle lainaamalla, vuokraamalla, uudelleenkäyttämällä, korjaamalla, kunnostamalla ja kierrättämällä. Näin tuotteiden elinkaari pitenee”, toteaa Euroopan parlamentti. Kiertotalous on merkittävä työkalu ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa. Se ei kuitenkaan ole uusi ilmiö, vaan toimivaksi todettu malli, jonka olemme jossain kohtaa historiaa unohtaneet. Syksyn alkaessa ja luonnon […]

Kierrätyskeskus johdattaa kohti kiertotaloutta EKOenergian voimin Lue lisää »

EKOenergy’s results highlighted in UN Energy Compacts Progress Report

EKOenergy: Powering a sustainable future The UN’s Energy Compacts Annual Progress Report, published today during the ongoing UN General Assembly, highlights EKOenergy’s concrete contributions to realising the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 7, Affordable and Clean Energy for All. The Energy Compacts are a platform developed by UN-Energy to secure voluntary commitments that

EKOenergy’s results highlighted in UN Energy Compacts Progress Report Lue lisää »

EKOenergy’s Bamboo Award 2024 goes to Väre

A prize for the fastest grower EKOenergy-labelled renewable energy is available for consumers of all sizes, thanks to the steadily growing network of authorised EKOenergy providers worldwide. Working with so many knowledgeable and dedicated people is an absolute honour and we are thankful to all of them. Once a year, we take a moment to

EKOenergy’s Bamboo Award 2024 goes to Väre Lue lisää »

Ivy Award 2024 goes to Nordic Green Energy Sweden

A prize for outstanding efforts in promoting EKOenergy-labelled energy EKOenergy-labelled renewable energy is available for consumers of all sizes, thanks to the steadily growing network of authorised EKOenergy providers worldwide. Working with so many knowledgeable and dedicated people is an absolute honour and we are thankful to all of them. Once a year, we take

Ivy Award 2024 goes to Nordic Green Energy Sweden Lue lisää »

EKOenergy’s Oak Award 2024 goes to ACT

An annual award for the largest EKOenergy seller EKOenergy-labelled renewable energy is available for consumers of all sizes, thanks to the steadily growing network of authorised EKOenergy providers worldwide. Working with so many knowledgeable and dedicated people is an absolute honour and we are thankful to all of them. Once a year, we take a

EKOenergy’s Oak Award 2024 goes to ACT Lue lisää »

Vacancy: Seller Relations Manager

Are you ready to roll up your sleeves to make a positive change in the world? EKOenergy seeks to recruit a Seller Relations Manager, a person with a go-get attitude ready to support and develop the steadily growing community of authorised EKOenergy sellers.  The position of a Seller Relations Manager is a new, full-time and

Vacancy: Seller Relations Manager Lue lisää »

YIT rakentaa parempaa maailmaa EKOenergian avulla

Rakennusyhtiö YIT Oyj valitsi EKOenergian osaksi SBTi hyväksyttyjen ilmastotavoitteidensa täyttämistä. YIT on johtava rakennusyhtiö ja hankekehittäjä. Yrityksen tarina alkoi vuonna 1912 ja sen liiketoimintasegmentit ovat asumis-, toimitila- ja infrastruktuurirakentaminen. YIT:n liikevaihto vuonna 2023 oli 2,2 miljardia euroa ja se työllistää noin 4 300 ammattilaista kahdeksassa maassa. Meillä oli ilo ja kunnia istua alas YIT:n vastuullisuusjohtaja

YIT rakentaa parempaa maailmaa EKOenergian avulla Lue lisää »

EKOenergy grants nearly €1 million to transform lives through solar energy

Thanks to EKOenergy consumers, EKOenergy’s Climate Fund supports community-driven initiatives that transform lives through renewable energy. This year, we received many applications for solar-powered pump systems, likely in response to the increasing extreme weather conditions caused by climate change. Over the past 10 years, EKOenergy has funded 120 community projects with nearly €4 million and

EKOenergy grants nearly €1 million to transform lives through solar energy Lue lisää »

Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables

Discover how Inés Rosales, a historic Spanish company, is leading the way in sustainable food production with a new rooftop solar system from Quantica Renovables, earning the EKOenergy ecolabel and meeting consumer demand for eco-friendly practices. Read about their journey in EKOenergy’s EKOappetite campaign

Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables Lue lisää »

Microsoft: Promoting environmental justice with EKOenergy

Impactful renewable energy procurement Renewable energy consumers worldwide are more than ever looking for ways to increase the positive impact of their green power contracts. One type of impactful renewable energy solutions focuses on social impacts, ecological justice, and community involvement. Companies of all sizes and sectors are showing growing interest in such solutions. EKOenergy’s

Microsoft: Promoting environmental justice with EKOenergy Lue lisää »

We are hungry for renewables! And you?

As European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteers at EKOenergy’s secretariat, we are working on the EKOappetite campaign. This campaign aims to promote the use of renewable energy in the food sector. We inform companies in the food industry about the possibility of choosing sustainable renewable energy, encourage them to switch to EKOenergy-labelled electricity, and suggest that

We are hungry for renewables! And you? Lue lisää »

We are a supporting association of the I-REC Standard Conference

Proudly promoting reliable tracking EKOenergy is proud and happy to be a supporting association of the I-REC Standard Conference (ISC) 2024, which will take place in São Paulo, Brazil, on the 2nd & 3rd of July 2024. Pre-conference sessions will take place on the 1st of July 2024. Reliable tracking is one of EKOenergy’s essential

We are a supporting association of the I-REC Standard Conference Lue lisää »

All energy sold by Aalto Energia in 2023 was EKOenergy

In several parts of the world, the price of renewable energy (including the cost of the Energy Attribute Certificate) has dropped compared to the same period last year. We are happy to see that some electricity suppliers and consumers think of EKOenergy when considering how to re-distribute their energy budget. One of the companies doing

All energy sold by Aalto Energia in 2023 was EKOenergy Lue lisää »

EKOenergy label for gas: helping consumers make an additional positive impact

Many reasons for choosing EKOenergy We recently welcomed a new consumer of EKOenergy-labelled biomethane. Ecohz facilitated the deal and wrote a nice article about it, based on an interview with Steven Vanholme from EKOenergy’s Secretariat. Check out the article ”EKOenergy: how sustainable biomethane can combat energy poverty” on Ecohz’s website. There are many reasons why

EKOenergy label for gas: helping consumers make an additional positive impact Lue lisää »