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YIT rakentaa parempaa maailmaa EKOenergian avulla

Rakennusyhtiö YIT Oyj valitsi EKOenergian osaksi SBTi hyväksyttyjen ilmastotavoitteidensa täyttämistä. YIT on johtava rakennusyhtiö ja hankekehittäjä. Yrityksen tarina alkoi vuonna 1912 ja sen liiketoimintasegmentit ovat asumis-, toimitila- ja infrastruktuurirakentaminen. YIT:n liikevaihto vuonna 2023 oli 2,2 miljardia euroa ja se työllistää noin 4 300 ammattilaista kahdeksassa maassa. Meillä oli ilo ja kunnia istua alas YIT:n vastuullisuusjohtaja […]

YIT rakentaa parempaa maailmaa EKOenergian avulla Lue lisää »

Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables

Discover how Inés Rosales, a historic Spanish company, is leading the way in sustainable food production with a new rooftop solar system from Quantica Renovables, earning the EKOenergy ecolabel and meeting consumer demand for eco-friendly practices. Read about their journey in EKOenergy’s EKOappetite campaign

Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables Lue lisää »

Microsoft: Promoting environmental justice with EKOenergy

Impactful renewable energy procurement Renewable energy consumers worldwide are more than ever looking for ways to increase the positive impact of their green power contracts. One type of impactful renewable energy solutions focuses on social impacts, ecological justice, and community involvement. Companies of all sizes and sectors are showing growing interest in such solutions. EKOenergy’s

Microsoft: Promoting environmental justice with EKOenergy Lue lisää »

Iliad Group closes three new PPAs for EKOenergy-labelled solar

The Iliad Group (Free in France, Play in Poland) announced that its branches have signed three more PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) involving the supply of EKOenergy-labelled solar power in France, Italy, and Poland. In France, the EKOenergy supplier is Engie; in Italy and Poland, it’s Statkraft. The Iliad Group is Europe’s sixth-largest telecommunications group, operating

Iliad Group closes three new PPAs for EKOenergy-labelled solar Lue lisää »

Hilti and SCHOTT: committed to science-based targets and EKOenergy

Science Based Targets initiatitive The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The SBTi defines and promotes best practices in emissions reductions and net-zero targets in line with climate science and provides technical assistance

Hilti and SCHOTT: committed to science-based targets and EKOenergy Lue lisää »

Kupilka: A Pioneer in Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

Finnish company Kupilka has been using eco-labelled electricity for 25 years! Sustainability is deep in the company’s DNA A family company, now called Kupilka, manufactures injection-moulded products that are designed to last. Their products, such as cups, plates, and cutlery, are made from natural fibre composite material sourced from certified forests in Finland. Sustainability and

Kupilka: A Pioneer in Eco-Friendly Manufacturing Lue lisää »

First EKOenergy user in Uganda: St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor

Solar energy to power the hospital’s daily operations Consumers have the option to choose EKOenergy worldwide. One method of accessing EKOenergy-labelled electricity involves adding our label to locally-produced solar power. An illustrative case of this is St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor. The hospital operates in Gulu, Uganda, offering services to the most needy without discrimination based

First EKOenergy user in Uganda: St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor Lue lisää »

Microsoft’s purchase of EKOenergy-labelled energy attribute certificates helps support off-grid communities in Kenya

Since last year, Microsoft has purchased EKOenergy-labelled energy attribute certificates (EACs) for a portion of its electricity consumption. Its choice of EKOenergy-labelled EACs has enabled the technology company to make a positive impact not only on the climate but also on off-grid communities in developing countries. We are honoured to have Microsoft among the growing

Microsoft’s purchase of EKOenergy-labelled energy attribute certificates helps support off-grid communities in Kenya Lue lisää »

Interview with Anna Wikholm from 3 Kaveria, Finnish ice cream company using EKOenergy

As part of our outreach campaign “EKOappetite”, we promote the use of renewable energy in food processing businesses. We reached out to an existing EKOenergy user, the Finnish ice cream manufacturer 3 Kaveria (“3 Friends”) for an interview to learn more about their motives for using EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity. Anna Wikholm, the brand manager at

Interview with Anna Wikholm from 3 Kaveria, Finnish ice cream company using EKOenergy Lue lisää »

SAP and EKOenergy: Partners for a renewable future

Thanks, SAP, for using EKOenergy In a recent article on their website, the German multinational software company SAP explains why the company chooses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity: SAP and EKOenergy Partner for a Renewable Future. We take the opportunity to thank SAP for their trust in our non-profit ecolabel and congratulate them on their progress in

SAP and EKOenergy: Partners for a renewable future Lue lisää »

The Iliad Group and Engie sign PPA for EKOenergy-labelled solar energy

The Iliad Group is a fast-growing provider of telecommunication services in Europe, with their main activities in France, Italy and Poland. Their operations as a mobile phone service provider include prepaid SIM cards, internet access and hosting services. In early 2021, the Iliad Group started using EKOenergy-labelled electricity to power their activities in France and

The Iliad Group and Engie sign PPA for EKOenergy-labelled solar energy Lue lisää »

SCHOTT and Engie sign 2 PPAs for EKOenergy-labelled electricity

SCHOTT, a leading international company in the areas of specialty glass, glass-ceramics and glass innovations, closed two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Engie for electricity from German solar and wind farms. The total volume of the deal is 200 gigawatt-hours and all electricity will get the EKOenergy label. SCHOTT has been using EKOenergy-labelled electricity for

SCHOTT and Engie sign 2 PPAs for EKOenergy-labelled electricity Lue lisää »

Suomen kattavin sähköautojen latausverkosto Virta valitsee EKOenergiaa 

Lataaminen uusiutuvalla sähköllä pienentää sähköauton elinkaaren aikaisia päästöjä merkittävästi Virran suomalaiset kuluttaja-asiakkaat lataavat tästä päivästä lähtien Virran latausverkoston lähes 6000 laturilla pelkästään 100% sertifioitua suomalaista tuulisähköä, joka on EKOenergia-merkittyä. Kun jokaisesta latauspisteestä kodista työpaikalle ja maantieltä kauppaan tulee ainoastaan kestävästi tuotettua, kotimaista energiaa, on sähköauton käyttö entistäkin ympäristöystävällisempää. Lisäksi Virta tarjoaa kumppaniyrityksilleen Virta Origin -palvelua: mahdollisuutta tarjota

Suomen kattavin sähköautojen latausverkosto Virta valitsee EKOenergiaa  Lue lisää »

The town of Espartinas sets an example with their choice of EKOenergy

Espartinas, a town in the sunny region of Seville (Andalusia) in Spain, is the first town that uses EKOenergy from their on-site solar installation to power their public administration buildings and schools! The EKOenergy ecolabel is for the consumed volumes of renewable energy, including energy that is produced on-site for self-consumption. In addition to individuals

The town of Espartinas sets an example with their choice of EKOenergy Lue lisää »