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Using the EKOenergy logo

YIT builds a better world with EKOenergy

YIT Corporation has chosen EKOenergy as part of fulfilling its Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) approved climate targets. YIT is a leading construction company and project developer. The company’s story began in 1912, and its business segments include residential construction, commercial premises, and infrastructure construction. YIT’s revenue in 2023 was 2.2 billion euros, and it employs […]

YIT builds a better world with EKOenergy Read More »

Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables

Discover how Inés Rosales, a historic Spanish company, is leading the way in sustainable food production with a new rooftop solar system from Quantica Renovables, earning the EKOenergy ecolabel and meeting consumer demand for eco-friendly practices. Read about their journey in EKOenergy’s EKOappetite campaign

Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables Read More »

Santa Rosa, Ecuadorian beer made with EKOenergy-labelled solar power

Santa Rosa artisanal beer, made with EKOenergy!

Santa Rosa brewery in Ecuador uses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity from their onsite installation. Their EKOenergy use is facilitated by Deltaglobal SA. Thanks, Santa Rosa for going the extra mile and using the EKOenergy logo on the cans to inform your customers! We also thank EKOenergy seller Deltaglobal SA for assisting their clients in using EKOenergy-labelled

Santa Rosa artisanal beer, made with EKOenergy! Read More »

Italian crane manufacturer Omis uses EKOenergy

Omis is one of Europe’s largest crane manufacturers. They apply efficiency and ingenuity to the manufacturing of crane solutions for all kinds and size of applications: overhead travelling cranes, jibs and light crane systems, large capacity, automated and heavy-duty industrial cranes. We are happy that Omis has taken an extra step by choosing EKOenergy-labelled renewable

Italian crane manufacturer Omis uses EKOenergy Read More »

Cristina Los Arcoz Llaneza from Espartinas and Jose Antonio Munoz from Quantica

Spanish municipality Espartinas uses EKOenergy from their on-site installation

The municipality of Espartinas, Ayuntamiento de Espartinas in Seville, Spain uses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity! The solar energy they use comes from their on-site solar panels, installed by licensed EKOenergy seller Quantica Renovables. Thanks for using the EKOenergy name and logo in your communications! To learn more, check out our user stories to see interviews with EKOenergy

Spanish municipality Espartinas uses EKOenergy from their on-site installation Read More »

Tecopesca uses EKOenergy

Canned food producer Tecopesca uses EKOenergy in Ecuador

Canned food producer Tecopesca is the first EKOenergy user in Ecuador. A first in many aspects: Tecopesca uses EKOenergy-labelled electricity from their on-site solar panels, installed by our first licensed EKOenergy seller in the country, Delta Global SA Ecuador. “Our values determine the actions that demonstrate the company’s firm decision to adhere to the Sustainable Development

Canned food producer Tecopesca uses EKOenergy in Ecuador Read More »

Melovita uses EKOenergy

Bezzi Mirko farm & Melovita products in Italy use EKOenergy-labelled solar energy

Bezzi Mirko farm, Azienda Agricola Bezzi Mirko uses 100% renewable electricity with the EKOenergy ecolabel! Their electricity comes from the agricultural energy community launched by the licensed EKOenergy seller ForGreen Spa SB. Via the cooperative, farmers with their own energy production (mainly on-site solar) can sell their surplus energy to other farmers in the same area,

Bezzi Mirko farm & Melovita products in Italy use EKOenergy-labelled solar energy Read More »

Valleri farm in Italy uses EKOenergy-labelled solar electricity

Valleri farm in Italy and their e-bike charging port are powered by EKOenergy

Valleri farm is powered by EKOenergy-labelled electricity! Valleri farm, Azienda Agricola Valleri, is specialized in the production, processing and packaging of aromatic herbs and vegetables. Their electricity comes from the agricultural energy community launched by the licensed EKOenergy seller ForGreen Spa SB, in cooperation with Coldiretti Veneto. Via the cooperative, farmers with their own energy production (mainly on-site

Valleri farm in Italy and their e-bike charging port are powered by EKOenergy Read More »

Pampers Harmonie pants use EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity

Pampers Harmonie nappies are made with environmentally sustainable, EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity. The nappies are also made from high quality cotton, soft fibers of vegetable origin, and other carefully selected components. Thanks Pampers for amplifying the positive impact of your renewable electricity choice with EKOenergy! You can learn more on the Pampers Harmonie website. Check out

Pampers Harmonie pants use EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity Read More »

Kokoatuoteet makes wooden handicrafts using EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity

Handcrafts company Kokoa, located in the Finnish Lapland, uses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electicity in producing ecological, high-quality and long-lasting handicrafts from birch plywood. Thanks Kokoa for choosing sustainable renewable electricity! You can visit their online shop at: Check out our user stories to see the interviews with EKOenergy users we regularly publish. Published on 22

Kokoatuoteet makes wooden handicrafts using EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity Read More »

Ritex uses EKOenergy

Ritex condoms and lubricants are made with EKOenergy

German condom and lubricant producer Ritex is using EKOenergy-labelled electricity. The company also takes energy saving and efficiency measures, as well as recycling heat for different stages of production. Using EKOenergy-labelled renewable energy is one of the steps they take to show extra commitment for nature and climate. Thanks Ritex and their supplier, Stadtwerke Bielefeld! Thanks

Ritex condoms and lubricants are made with EKOenergy Read More »

Mummi ja mina uses EKOenergy

Mummi ja Minä cleaning products made with EKOenergy

Mummi ja Minä is a Finnish producer of cleaning products, using natural ingredients suitable for vegans. They have taken their commitment to the environment one step further by using EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity for their products. We’re happy to see that they make their choice of EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity known by putting our logo on their

Mummi ja Minä cleaning products made with EKOenergy Read More »

Globe Hope, pionnier finlandais de la mode durable, utilise EKOénergie

« Le monde ne souffre pas du manque de matériel mais du manque d’esprit. Innovant et plein d’idées neuves, Globe Hope a eu l’idée de redéfinir le tissu ».Ce sont les mots de motivation peints sur le mur du fond du siège de Globe Hope. En 2003, la créatrice Seija Lukkala (PDG de Globe Hope) a lancé

Globe Hope, pionnier finlandais de la mode durable, utilise EKOénergie Read More »