EKOenergy’s authorised sellers
Only companies that have signed the EKOenergy Agreement can provide EKOenergy-labelled energy. EKOenergy’s Secretariat checks annually if the energy sold with our label fulfils our requirements.
Our network of authorised sellers includes energy suppliers, Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) facilitators, sellers of energy attribute certificates (EACs such as Guarantees of Origin, I-RECs, or RECs), and installers of solar systems. Some of those on the list only work in a specific country or region, but many can help energy consumers worldwide.
- List of EKOenergy’s authorised sellers (PDF, 400 kb)

If your energy supplier or sustainability consultant is not on our list of authorised sellers, you can help us by mentioning our ecolabel to them and encouraging them to start offering EKOenergy too. They can get in touch with us anytime at infoekoenergy.org. We will be happy to guide them through the process.
Keep in mind that EKOenergy is a label for energy, not for energy companies. Almost all of our authorised sellers sell only a part of their volumes with the EKOenergy ecolabel, and often only to consumers explicitly asking for EKOenergy. So make sure you don’t just choose the right seller but also an EKOenergy-labelled product, i.e. an energy product that meets our environmental sustainability criteria and contributes to additional climate action.