100% renewable electricity with extra criteria to guarantee sustainability and additionality

The Iliad Group is a fast-growing European provider of telecommunication services, with main activities in France, Italy and Poland. Their operations as a mobile phone service provider include prepaid sim cards, internet access and hosting services.
Last year, the Iliad Group decided to switch to 100% renewable electricity. In France and Italy, this target has now been reached and the company is well on their way to reach this target in 2022 in Poland too.
While setting their renewable energy strategy, the company decided to show leadership and increase their support to the energy transition in Europe and worldwide by going the extra mile.
- The Iliad Group decided to buy electricity from local installations, as close as possible to the places of consumption in France, Italy and Poland.
- They primarily buy solar and wind power from recent installations commissioned after 2015.
- All the renewable electricity they use carries the EKOenergy ecolabel.
EKOenergy as a tool for leadership and communication
Their choice for EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity is no coincidence. The criteria, scope and methods of the EKOenergy ecolabel complement many of the sustainability objectives of the Iliad Group.
Head of CSR at Iliad Group, Walter Delage explains:
„At Iliad, we like to do things right! In order to reach our objective of covering 100% of electricity from renewable sources for the entire group, we wanted to select rigorous and demanding sustainability criteria. The EKOenergy ecolabel is recognised and reassuring because it means that we only select installations with a limited impact on nature and EKOenergy ensures this in all three of our locations of operation, France, Italy and Poland. The link with the Sustainable Development Goals is also important.”
The Iliad Group’s choice of EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity extends the additional positive impacts way beyond: EKOenergy finances new clean energy projects in developing countries that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and carries out advocacy work in countries where the renewable energy market is still limited.
Walter Delage adds that they have joined the United Nations Global Compact this year and started to contribute to its goals already:
„Financing additional renewable energy production capacity through EKOenergy’s Climate Fund fits well in the objective of climate solidarity, which is an element of the Paris Agreement too.”
To inspire others, the Iliad Group is planning to use the EKOenergy logo on their online portals and in their stores to communicate about their choice for 100% EKOenergy-labelled energy.
We appreciate the Iliad Group’s choice of EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity and we will use the Iliad Group’s example to promote further climate action in the energy market for telecommunications and other sectors.
Published on 4 October 2021