Fundraising for new renewable energy projects
EKOenergy promotes sustainable renewable energy in many ways. One of the ways we do this is via our Climate Fund, through which we collect funds to finance renewable energy projects to fight energy poverty and contribute to multiple Sustainable Development Goals.
For each EKOenergy-labelled MWh sold, the EKOenergy licensees contribute 0.10€ to these projects. All financed projects are selected through a transparent selection process and with the support of an independent jury of experts.
EKOenergy’s Climate Fund is an internationally recognised tool to create additional impact. Our Climate Fund is explicitly mentioned in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance as a tool for companies to do more. Our fundraising model was also recently highlighted by a UN Department for Social and Economic Affairs publication.
We are happy to announce that we have selected 6 more projects to finance this year. In the coming months we will keep you informed about the different stages of implementation and of the final results, particularly via our various social media channels. We give a short overview of these new projects hereafter.
To see our leaflets about the finalised projects and an overview of the 59 projects we have financed so far, see our Climate Fund page.
The six new clean energy projects EKOenergy finances this year
- 27,000 € to Ace Africa from Kenya. Ace Africa is an award-winning charity that operates in rural communities. With our support, they will provide clean energy and safe water to a community of fishermen in Siaya County, at Luanda Kotieno Beach
- 24,270 € for Renewable World, to expand their Clean Energy for Health (E4H) project in Nepal. the E4H projects builds on EKOenergy’s previous support to their SECuRe project, which successfully piloted free standing solar for health post electrification and created an innovative solar powered flood-warning system in Surkhet District. With the new grant, Renewable World and their local partners will install small-scale solar power systems and energy-enabled equipment in four additional rural health posts/clinics.
- 27,000 € for the African Centre for Renewable Energies and Sustainable Technologies (ACREST) from Cameroon. Their project will provide reliable, clean energy and water access to 6 health centres in Bangang village in the Bamboutos department of the western region, Cameroon.
- 18,000 for Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change (CREACC-NG) from Nigeria. They will install solar PV panels in Chediya village, over 6,000 residents of which currently have no access to electricity. The villagers have to travel to nearby towns, or even to the capital to charge their mobile phones or their rechargeable lanterns. The solar PV system will provide lighting to improve education for a classroom of 50 girls from the age of 5, where both night and morning classes will be held due to the village’s culture of letting their children go to farms/herd during the day. A mobile phones charging boot will also be installed.
- 27,000 € for Agence Jeunesse Verte du Cameroun (AJVC) from Cameroon, in order to improve the living situation of women in Cameroon and offer them new opportunities. AJVC will start a project with 40 solar powered sewing machines, and test the impact on the living conditions of women in two peri-urban and rural areas struggling with an unstable or almost non-existent energy supply.
- 18,500 € to the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) from Colombia. With the grant, they will install a 2.63-kilowatt (kW) solar energy system in the community health center of the Araracuara indigenous village, located in the Colombian Amazon. The proposed solar energy system has a battery backup of 2.63kWp, able to generate 100% of the average monthly electricity consumption and operate during the hours required for proper functioning of the health centre’s medical equipment.
Congratulations to the organisations involved! We are looking forward to seeing the results.
We also want to thank all the consumers of EKOenergy-labelled energy: These projects wouldn’t be possible without you! Also a big thanks to the members of the jury for helping with the selection of the projects.
There are many more impactful projects to be financed. Everyone can help us support more such projects by choosing EKOenergy-labelled energy!
Published on 28 August 2021.