In 2020, EKOenergy’s Climate Fund granted 15,000€ to the Malinese NGO ASIC for the installation of solar PV panels on two health centers and 15,000€ to the NGO OMAFES for the installation of solar lighting for five schools and five health centers. Both these grants to support solar energy in Mali are part of our cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation.
Remote areas suffer from a lack of benefits obtained from reliable access to clean electricity. To address this challenge, we are financing projects every year to fight energy poverty and show the benefits of rural electrification with renewable energy. All projects are implemented by local grassroots organisations and contribute to the fight against poverty in geographical areas vulnerable to climate change. In addition to the contribution by EKOenergy, the Siemenpuu Foundation granted 21,000 € and 33,000 € to these two projects of ASIC and OMAFES in two rural, offgrid villages of Mali.

One of the projects has provided two community health centres with solar electrification in the villages of Dougabougou and Sagabala, in Kolokani. Led by ASIC, the project involves the installation of electronics to improve health care provided by the health centres, as well as photovoltaic panels to power these electronics. A solar-powered refrigerator has been installed to replace the previous oil-based freezers for storing vaccines, in addition to a solar water heater and other essential medical equipment for the proper functioning of the health centres. Around 15,000 inhabitants are expected to benefit from this project.
The second project was carried out by OMAFES, to install solar lighting in schools and health centres in five villages in the municipality of Koumantou. The schools and public health centres in these villages have poor lighting, often using oil lamps or no lighting at all. This discourages schoolchildren and parents from attending classes or visiting the health centres, contributing to maternal and neonatal mortality and poor education for children. Access to electricity and lighting improves the conditions in these facilities and provides easier access to quality health care and education. The impact of this project is expected to reach more than 3,000 students as well as all patients and staff of the health centres, especially pregnant women.
To ensure the continuity of both these projects, local staff are trained in the use and maintenance of the equipment.
EKOenergy continues to promote renewable energy and help bring solar to energy-poor rural areas such as these worldwide. Thanks to all the users of EKOenergy for making it possible for us to finance projects like these!
This climate story is also available as a pdf.
For an overview of all financed renewable energy projects, see our Climate Fund page.
Written by Marie Valentin, published on 2 July 2021.