Our results

EKOenergy works to protect nature and fight climate change, in particular by helping energy consumers switch to 100% sustainable and renewable energy.
We are promoting renewable energy worldwide, through contact with large energy consumers and through cooperation with environmental organisations and CSR networks. Our Climate Fund supports renewable energy projects in the developing world, aimed at alleviating energy poverty. Our Environmental fund finances restoration projects in damaged river ecosystems.
- For more information and concrete examples, see also the publication Concrete impact made thanks to EKOenergy users 2013 – 2023 (15 pages, pdf).
- For more information on how the EKOenergy ecolabel contributes to realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), you can check the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) SDG Good Practices publication.
Tools for consumer empowerment
In many parts of the world, the role of consumers in the energy market is very limited. It is difficult, or sometimes even impossible, to choose green energy or to actively contribute to the energy transition. EKOenergy is involved in the development of instruments that give consumers more options. Some of our most important achievements are as follows:
- We made significant contributions to the development of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. We have made a summary of this text, with country-specific information, in 19 languages.
- We were one of the first to endorse I-REC, the international standard for renewable energy certificates. I-REC enables energy tracking outside Europe and the US, and we were amongst the first to work with the standard in countries like China and Brazil.
- We have developed a lot of informative material about green energy in general and about the purchase of renewable electricity in particular. Many of our publications are available in a number of different languages. For example, our online course Green Power – buying renewable electricity for LEED and carbon accounting, which we made in collaboration with LEED and the US Green Building Council, is available in 4 languages. We keep producing information materials such as leaflets and articles in many other languages, thanks to our devoted volunteer translators.
Advocacy for a 100% sustainable world
The EKOenergy label functions as a tool to promote the use of renewable energy. EKOenergy-labelled energy is now available in over 80 different countries worldwide. A growing number of companies actively communicate their commitment to environmentally sustainable energy.
As our visibility and positive impact grows, we are able to put more effort into advocacy to make renewables the norm. In addition to our concrete results, we also promote the use of renewables as a means to support climate action.
We are a member of Climate Action Network (Europe), the Global 100% RE Campaign, and IRENA’s Coalition for Action. We have contributed to several papers and publications on the feasibility of a 100% renewable world and we support actions and campaigns against subsidies for fossil fuels.
Biodiversity protection

We engage energy companies and energy consumers in regular discourse about the impact of energy production on nature. As a participant in the LIFE Freshabit project, we launched the website Hydropower’s nature with lots of information on how hydropower impacts river ecosystems.
By using EKOenergy-labelled energy, large corporate consumers make a link between their carbon reduction targets and their commitments to nature and biodiversity (‘Business and biodiversity’).
We finance a range of projects that are aimed at promoting river biodiversity. For each MWh sold as EKOenergy hydropower, a contribution of at least 0.10 € (ten cents) is paid to EKOenergy’s Environmental Fund. These contributions are used to finance projects that focus on the removal of barriers to fish migration, the restoration of spawning grounds, and much more. See our Environmental Fund page to learn more.
Clean energy projects for poverty alleviation

For each MWh of EKOenergy-labelled energy sold, a minimum of 0.10 € (ten cents) goes to our Climate Fund. With these contributions, we finance new clean energy projects (mainly solar energy projects) alleviating energy poverty.
These projects also contribute to the realisation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can read more about how EKOenergy contributes to the Global Goals in UN DESA’s SDG Good Practices publication.
See our Climate Fund page to read more about such projects.
Help us do more
These results would not be possible without your support, with such projects relying on the support of thousands of consumers of EKOenergy-labelled electricity. You can help us do more by switching to EKOenergy-labelled energy yourself and by convincing your friends and colleagues to do the same.
For more information, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.