YIT builds a better world with EKOenergy
YIT Corporation has chosen EKOenergy as part of fulfilling its Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) approved climate targets. YIT is a leading construction company and project developer. The company’s story began in 1912, and its business segments include residential construction, commercial premises, and infrastructure construction. YIT’s revenue in 2023 was 2.2…
Inés Rosales embraces renewable energy with EKOenergy and Quantica Renovables
Microsoft: Promoting environmental justice with EKOenergy
Impactful renewable energy procurement Renewable energy consumers worldwide are more than ever looking for ways to increase the positive impact of their green power contracts. One type of impactful renewable energy solutions focuses on social impacts, ecological justice, and community involvement. Companies of all sizes and sectors are showing growing…
Iliad Group closes three new PPAs for EKOenergy-labelled solar
The Iliad Group (Free in France, Play in Poland) announced that its branches have signed three more PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) involving the supply of EKOenergy-labelled solar power in France, Italy, and Poland. In France, the EKOenergy supplier is Engie; in Italy and Poland, it’s Statkraft. The Iliad Group is…
Hilti and SCHOTT: committed to science-based targets and EKOenergy
German Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Action visiting SCHOTT (Photo: SCHOTT) / Hilti tools: made with EKOenergy! (Photo: Hilti Corporation) Science Based Targets initiatitive The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide…
Kupilka: A Pioneer in Eco-Friendly Manufacturing
Finnish company Kupilka has been using eco-labelled electricity for 25 years! Sustainability is deep in the company’s DNA A family company, now called Kupilka, manufactures injection-moulded products that are designed to last. Their products, such as cups, plates, and cutlery, are made from natural fibre composite material sourced from certified…
First EKOenergy user in Uganda: St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor
Solar energy to power the hospital’s daily operations Consumers have the option to choose EKOenergy worldwide. One method of accessing EKOenergy-labelled electricity involves adding our label to locally-produced solar power. An illustrative case of this is St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor. The hospital operates in Gulu, Uganda, offering services to the…
Microsoft’s purchase of EKOenergy-labelled energy attribute certificates helps support off-grid communities in Kenya
Since last year, Microsoft has purchased EKOenergy-labelled energy attribute certificates (EACs) for a portion of its electricity consumption. Its choice of EKOenergy-labelled EACs has enabled the technology company to make a positive impact not only on the climate but also on off-grid communities in developing countries. We are honoured to…
Interview with Anna Wikholm from 3 Kaveria, Finnish ice cream company using EKOenergy
As part of our outreach campaign “EKOappetite”, we promote the use of renewable energy in food processing businesses. We reached out to an existing EKOenergy user, the Finnish ice cream manufacturer 3 Kaveria (“3 Friends”) for an interview to learn more about their motives for using EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity. Anna…
SAP and EKOenergy: Partners for a renewable future
Thanks, SAP, for using EKOenergy In a recent article on their website, the German multinational software company SAP explains why the company chooses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity: SAP and EKOenergy Partner for a Renewable Future. We take the opportunity to thank SAP for their trust in our non-profit ecolabel and congratulate…
The Iliad Group and Engie sign PPA for EKOenergy-labelled solar energy
The Iliad Group is a fast-growing provider of telecommunication services in Europe, with their main activities in France, Italy and Poland. Their operations as a mobile phone service provider include prepaid SIM cards, internet access and hosting services. In early 2021, the Iliad Group started using EKOenergy-labelled electricity to power…
SCHOTT and Engie sign 2 PPAs for EKOenergy-labelled electricity
SCHOTT, a leading international company in the areas of specialty glass, glass-ceramics and glass innovations, closed two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Engie for electricity from German solar and wind farms. The total volume of the deal is 200 gigawatt-hours and all electricity will get the EKOenergy label. SCHOTT has…
Крупнейшая сеть зарядки электромобилей Virta выбирает ЭКОэнергию
Владельцы электромобилей делают выбор в пользу возобновляемой энергии Одна пятая всех выбросов парниковых газов в Европе приходится на транспортный сектор — при этом 78% данных выбросов поступает в атмосферу именно от автомобильного транспорта. Опрос клиентов, проведенный оператором сети зарядки электромобилей Virta в декабре 2021 года, показал, что почти 80% респондентов…
The town of Espartinas sets an example with their choice of EKOenergy
Espartinas, a town in the sunny region of Seville (Andalusia) in Spain, is the first town that uses EKOenergy from their on-site solar installation to power their public administration buildings and schools! The EKOenergy ecolabel is for the consumed volumes of renewable energy, including energy that is produced on-site for…
Группа Iliad выбирает электроэнергию с маркировкой ЭКОэнергии
100% возобновляемая электроэнергия с гарантиями устойчивости и дополнительности (additionality) Группа Iliad — активно развивающийся поставщик телекоммуникационных услуг, основная деятельность которого сосредоточена во Франции, Италии и Польше. Деятельность Группы Iliad в качестве поставщика услуг мобильной связи включает обслуживание предоплаченных SIM-карт и предоставление доступа в Интернет и услуг хостинга. В прошлом году…
ECOTEC University uses EKOenergy-labelled energy from its on-site installation
Education for sustainable development — interview with Dr. Gilda Alcívar García, rector of ECOTEC University EKOenergy is an ecolabel for renewable energy consumption. Companies and individuals are not the only ones that can use EKOenergy-labelled energy and benefit from its additional advantages. The ecolabel is also available to colleges and…
Favini uses EKOenergy-labelled electricity for its sustainable paper production lines
Italian paper and mould manufacturer Favini is a world leader in the design and production of release paper used in various sectors, including fashion and technical-sportswear. One of their most innovative and renowned products is packaging, made from the waste of natural raw materials such as algae, fruit, nuts and leather….
EKOenergy for Ecuador: First consumer, Tecopesca
Thanks to growing demand from environmentally-conscious energy consumers and sellers, EKOenergy-labelled renewable energy is available in many continents. Choosing EKOenergy isn’t only an extra step for the climate and nature, it’s also an extra step for your communication activities by announcing your participation in the energy transition. We are happy…
Coopérations Entreprises Socio-Culturelles from Luxembourg is now using EKOenergy too
The photo was taken during one of their event «La nuit des Lampions» Coopérations Entreprises Socio-Culturelles refers to two organisations in Luxembourg: Coopérations Asbl and Coopérations Société Coopérative. One is a non-profit socio-cultural organisation focused on art and culture, social involvement and helping people reach their potential. The other is…
Verdonce: natural home textiles made in Spain using EKOenergy
Verdonce is a Spanish brand of products that will help you make your home more sustainable and reduce waste, therefore helping the environment. Their products are made with natural materials from local suppliers and are hand-made in Madrid. We interviewed the founders of Verdonce Mónica García and Oliver Green, also…
L’Arbre à Café roasts their coffees with EKOenergy-labelled renewable gas
L’Arbre à Café is a coffee roastery that imports its specialty coffees directly from farmers and does the roasting in Paris using EKOenergy-labelled gas. L’Arbre à Café’s coffees come from sustainable, regenerative agriculture and diversified forests, and are sold online and in its two Parisian shops. We asked Hippolyte Courty,…
Toyota Baltic AS выбирает ЭКОэнергию
Импортер автомобилей Toyota и Lexus в страны Прибалтики, Toyota Baltic AS использует ЭКОэнергию в своем головном офисе в Таллине, Эстония! Мы взяли интервью у Марека Мэйде, Генерального Директора отдела маркетинга в Toyota Baltic AS, чтобы узнать больше о целях компании в сфере устойчивого развития, о том как она видит свою…
Ritex: German condom producer uses EKOenergy
Ritex, a German condom and lubricant producer, is now using EKOenergy-labelled electricity, incorporating the EKOenergy logo into their newest product line PRO NATURE. We asked them a few questions about this recent development, to learn more about their focus on sustainability and what led them to choose EKOenergy-labelled electricity. Why did you choose to…
Agricultural energy source-to-consumer: The first agro-energy community to use 100% EKOenergy
Founded in 2018, today it includes more than 1200 Italian companies and homes Agricultural energy source-to-consumer is the first community of Italian farms using 100% renewable and sustainable EKOenergy-labelled energy. Launched in 2018, thanks to the collaboration between Coldiretti and ForGreen Spa Società Benefit (Benefit Corporation), the project aims to…
Pixartprinting, leading company for printing services in Europe, chose EKOenergy
Pixartprinting is an Italian company specialising in the online provision of personalised printing services. In 2018, they joined the Be ForGreen Be Sustainable community becoming a consumer who uses 100% renewable, traceable and EKOenergy-ecolabelled energy. Through this, Pixartprinting has contributed to the avoidance of 3,581 tonnes of CO2 emissions into…
Vesica Piscis: 100% sustainable vegan shoes “made in Spain”
As part of EKOenergy’s #PassionForGreenFashion campaign, we interviewed Francisco Rico, head of sales and administration of Vesica Piscis footwear, a vegan shoes and accessories brand that consumes EKOenergy. As the fashion industry is one of the major contributors to global warming, many companies are aware that their business models have…
Urban Beer: the first brewery in Spain producing with EKOenergy
EKOenergy’s campaign «EKOenergy for your brewery», launched in 2016, was one of the finalists in the EU Sustainable Energy Week Awards 2018. The campaign aims at informing breweries about using renewable energy. In addition to Italian and Finnish breweries, Urban Beer became the first EKOenergy-labelled beer in Spain. Urban Beer, producing…
Auroranlinna real estate uses EKOenergy
Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna is a real estate company in Finland, owned by the City of Helsinki. Auroranlinna has about 4,200 non-subsidized rental apartments in about 100 properties across Helsinki. Auroranlinna has agreed with their supplier, Helen that they will purchase electricity labelled with EKOenergy. Thanks Auroranlinna for taking an extra step…
Globe Hope, финский пионер в области устойчивой моды выбирает ЭКОэнергию
«Мир страдает не от недостатка материалов, а от отсутствия ума. Будучи новатором, и превнося новое дыхание, бренд Globe Hope переосмыслил идею ткани». Эта мотивирующая фраза украшает стену главного головного офиса компании Globe Hope . В 2003 году дизайнер Сейя Луккала (генеральный директор Globe Hope) запустила бренд Globe Hope, который стал…
Carrera Jeans поддерживает кампанию ЭКОэнергии для индустрии моды
Итальянский бренд Carrera Jeans был основан в 1965 году и теперь популярен во всем мире. Но кроме популярности этот бренд также заботится о своем воздействии на экологию. Уже в течение трех лет компания пользуется 100% возобновляемой энергией, одобренной ЭКОэнергией. В рамках кампании для индустрии моды, которая призвана помочь модным брендам…
Flow Festival uses EKOenergy labelled grid electricity
Source: Flow Festival Flow Festival is one of the world’s first carbon-neutral music and arts boutique festival. This year’s festival will take place on 10-12 August 2018, in Helsinki, Finland. All grid-electricity used at «Nordic countries’ coolest music festival» is ecolabelled by EKOenergy. Called “A fairytale come true” by Clash…
Корпорация SAP стремится к декарбонизации
Передовая корпорация-разработчик программного обеспечения SAP выпустила свой Интегрированный отчет 2017, в котором представила последние данные о своих социальных и экологических показателях, подчеркивая амбициозное стремление минимизировать свой углеродный след к 2025 году. Компания уже использует 100% возобновляемую электроэнергию, а также присоединилась к инициативе RE100, которая признана ООН одной из семи ведущих…
Индустрия моды: навстречу устойчивым переменам
Большинство знают, что индустрия моды является одной из самых загрязняющих окружающую среду наравне с транспортом, добычей углеводородов и сельским хозяйством. Это продолжаются десятилетиями, но по каким-то причинам текстильный сектор остается очень востребованным. В последнее время стало возникать все больше скандальных случаев, связанных с недопустимой эксплуатацией рабочих и грубыми экологическими нарушениями….
Chocolate made with EKOenergy
Visit to Pieni Suklaatehdas in Porvoo, Finland On a sunny autumn day, Karlina and Laura, from the EKOenergy team, went to visit Pieni Suklaatehdas (“The Little Chocolate Factory”) in Porvoo. This artisanal chocolate factory is not only making bean-to-bar chocolate without any additives or preservatives but also using renewable EKOenergy-certified…
Chocolates Artesanos Isabel: Uses EKOenergy
Interview with Isabel Félez The Spanish chocolate factory Chocolates Artesanos Isabel prioritizes sustainability in all of its production. For the owner Isabel Félez Roselló, using EKOenergy-labelled electricity is an important part of the bigger picture. We got in touch with her to learn more about the company’s plans. Why did you…
ЭКОэнергия для Yves Rocher
Группа Rocher начала использовать ЭКОэнергию для части своих предприятий Мы рады объявить, что группа косметических компаний Rocher стала новым потребителем ЭКОэнергии во Франции. С начала 2017 года половина электроэнергии, потребляемой Rocher во Франции, сертифицирована ЭКОэнергией. В своей работе группа Rocher всегда уделяла внимание социальной и экологической ответственности. В связи с этим, долгое время …
ЭКОэнергия для российского завода L’Oreal
Шаг за шагом ЭКОэнергия добралась и до России. Сертификация местной возобновляемой энергии всё ещё остаётся непростой задачей, однако мы уверены, что в скором времени это изменится. Руководство электроэнергетического рынка заметило растущий спрос на возобновляемую энергию и готовит свой ответ. ЭКОэнергия играет важную роль в предоставлении независимой информации на разных языках…
Slush использует ЭКОэнергию!
Slush 2014 18-19 ноября, Хельсинки, Финляндия. Фото Jussi Hellsten www.jussihellsten.com www.facebook.com/jussihellstenphotography Slush, крупнейшая в Северной Европе конференция для стартапов в области технологий, переходит на ЭКОэнергию. В начале Slush была скромным собрание техэкспертов и инвесторов, сейчас же это одно из главных мероприятий такого рода, насчитывающее околом17 000 посетителей и тысячи компаний…
Центр приёма вторсырья в Хельсинки теперь потребляет ЭКОэнергию (на финском)
Kierrätyskeskus, the leading recycling centre in Finland, now uses EKOenergy! Ville Heinilä, Kierratuskeskus’s environmental specialist, explains that for their corporate strategy buying sustainable renewable EKOenergy certified electricity is the obvious choice — “we should have done it sooner! It is important for us to act as we preach” “Kierratuskeskus aspires…
Финны выбирают ЭКОэнергию
Finlayson и Espoon Asunnot переходят на ЭКОэнергию! Текстильная компания Finlayson один из пионеров и столпов финской индустриализации. Вскоре после создания компании в 1820 году, Finlayson превратился в крупнейшее промышленное предприятие Северной Европы. В 1882 году прядильные помещения компании стали первыми в Северной Европе, где были использованы электролампы для освещения. Сегодня…
Schüco переходит на ЭКОэнергию
Международная компания Schüco , чей офис расположен в Германии, переходит на ЭКОэнергию. Schüco — один из лидирующих поставщиков высококачественных окон, дверей и фасадных конструкций. Продукция Schüco используется по всему миру. В последние годы Schüco активно участвует в продвижении мер по уменьшению выбросов парниковых газов. Для оптимизации транспортной логистики на заводах…
Mikkelin Jukurit: Ice hockey team uses EKOenergy
An increasing number of athletes and sports clubs are speaking out about climate change. Even at the spectacular opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, there was time for a video about skyrocketing temperatures and rising sea levels. But the next step is how can we go from just words to…
Switching to EKOenergy for Otava was easy
Last year, the whole Otava Group switched to EKOenergy. This means that all ‘Suomalainen Kirjakauppa’ bookstores now use EKOenergy-certified electricity. Otava is the second largest publishing house in Finland, and their printing house also uses EKOenergy. Many think that switching to eco-labelled electricity is a difficult and complex thing to…
Lappeenranta: The first EKOenergy city in the world
The wonderful city of Lappeenranta has decided to switch to EKOenergy! Today, Mayor Kimmo Jarva and Lappeenranta Energy’s CEO Reijo Kolehmainen signed an agreement guaranteeing EKOenergy for the city of Lappeenranta for the period 2017-2020. At the signing ceremony, the city also got the EKOenergy certificate. Program manager of EKOenergy…
Capítulo Trece Hotel & Spa: Ecotourism in Spain
Ecotourism is booming. A model of sustainable and environmentally responsible tourism, where the tourist seeks not only enjoyment, but also to reduce their ecological footprint and environmental impact. To meet this demand, pioneers such as the Hotel & Spa Capítulo Trece in Segovia, Spain, are showing how committed their establishments…