Green Key is a prestigious eco-label for the tourism and hospitality industry with criteria dealing with environmental management, corporate social responsibility and awareness-raising. Green Key is currently awarded to more than 2,500 establishments in 53 countries. The programme is run by the international charity, Foundation for Environmental Education.
EKOenergy is a non-profit organisation specialised in issues related to sustainable energy. The organisation furthermore runs an international ecolabel for renewable electricity. Electricity with the EKOenergy ecolabel fulfils strict environmental criteria and raises money for new renewable energy projects.
The two initiatives work in different fields but have many characteristics in common:
- the organisations function as an umbrella network of national/local environmental organisations;
- the two initiatives started in Europe, but are now rapidly developing on a global scale;
- both organisations work towards a sustainable future through behavioural change and promotion of sustainable use of the resource; and
- both entities are offering an eco-label as a way for clients to communicate about their ecological choices.
EKOenergy and Green Key will actively exchange experiences, provide each other with relevant information and inform each other about opportunities and challenges in the markets. Green Key will use the expertise of EKOenergy in the development of tools for Green Key establishments within the field of sustainable energy, and EKOenergy is planning to set up an international campaign focusing on green energy in the hotel sector.
Steven Vanholme, Program manager of EKOenergy is excited about the cooperation: ”Green Key and EKOenergy are healthy, fast-growing initiatives, but as the world is confronted with immense ecological challenges, more needs to be done. This cooperation will help both of us do more and move faster”.
Finn Bolding Thomsen, International Director of Green Key, adds: “We are pleased to announce this cooperation enabling Green Key to strengthen our expertise as an ecolabel with a big focus on sustainable energy management, and EKOenergy is an excellent partner to support our efforts.”

Contact and further information
Green Key, FEE, Finn Bolding Thomsen, Tel. +45 6124 8082, finn@fee.global, www.greenkey.global
EKOenergy, Steven Vanholme, Tel. +358 505687385, Steven.Vanholme@sll.fi
Picture: Green Key on Flickr
Posted on 15 December 2016