Environmental Fund – Call for proposals / Second call 2023

Grants for small-scale river restoration projects
EKOenergy’s Environmental Fund is committed to funding river restoration projects through the allocation of at least EUR 0.10 for each megawatt-hour of EKOenergy hydropower sold and consumed. The fund is currently calling for proposals for small-scale river restoration projects in Norway, Germany, or Sweden, where EKOenergy-labelled hydropower has been produced and sold in previous years. This is the second call for proposals this year under the same conditions, as the previous round did not receive a sufficient number of applications that met the criteria.
Funding amount
The requested amount for this call can be up to EUR 30,000 per project, with a total of EUR 61,000 to be distributed to organisations. If a sufficient number of eligible proposals is not received, EKOenergy may consider exceeding the maximum funding amount for the selected project(s), provided that the project activities can be meaningfully expanded.
Eligibility and other conditions
The main applicant must be a registered non-profit NGO, and therefore, cannot be a company or an individual. EKOenergy’s funding can also be used in projects that are part of a larger project (but are within it a distinct, separately reportable entity).
The proposed project must start in 2024.
Criteria used for assessing proposals
The assessment of proposals will involve EKOenergy Secretariat’s preview and pre-selection process, followed by evaluation by an international group of experts. The panel will pay particular attention to the feasibility of the project plan, overall impact, and the ecological significance of the project.
How to apply
Please note that we do not provide a pre-made application form. Therefore, you are welcome to submit your proposals in the format of your choice, as long as they meet the following requirements:
- The application should be at most three pages, including any annexes.
- The application must be in PDF format.
- The application should be written in English.
To ensure that proposals are complete and comprehensive, please include the following information in your proposal:
- A clear and concise description of the project, including details on what, where, when, who, to whom, and why the project is being undertaken. This should include the nature conservation outcomes the project aims to achieve, including the species and habitats that will benefit from the project.
- Information about the main applicant and their experience on similar projects and any other relevant actors in the project. Please provide a clear division of roles.
- The requested amount of funding and a rough budget.
- Contact details of the designated contact person for the project.
Please send your application by email to ekoenergyfundssll.fi no later than on Friday, the 9th of February 2024. If you have not received a response within three working days after submitting, please contact us for confirmation.
Other information
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our fund coordinator, laura.blombergsll.fi.
Published: 29 November 2023