A non-profit initiative of environmental NGOs

EKOenergy is an international non-profit initiative of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto ry) and is developed and managed in partnership with many other environmental organisations. The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation is the largest environmental NGO in Finland.
EKOenergy works in close cooperation with international organisations, such as Climate Action Network International, Climate Action Network Europe, EEB and IRENA Coalition for Action.
Decision making
Decisions with regard to EKOenergy’s criteria and with regard to EKOenergy’s Climate Fund and Environmental Fund:
- Are based on consultation of all relevant stakeholder groups.
- Are taken by EKOenergy’s Steering Group, which is appointed by the Board of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.
- Enter into force after approval by EKOenergy’s International Board, which consists of environmental NGOs, as described in chapter 3 of the document EKOenergy – Governance structure and criteria for electricity.
The organisations that have voting right in EKOenergy’s International Board currently include:
- Bariq 21, Algeria
- Bluelink, Bulgaria
- Centre for Sustainability and Advanced Education, North Macedonia
- Ecocity, Greece
- Ecoserveis, Spain
- Estonian Fund for Nature, Estonia
- Energiaklub, Hungary
- Good Energies Alliance Ireland, Ireland
- Institute for Environmental Policy, Albania
- Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania, Albania
- KADOS, Turkey
- Latvian Fund for Nature (LDF), Latvia
- National Energy Foundation, UK
- Observ’ER, France
- Prijatelji prirode Eko Element, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Quercus, Portugal
- Spectri, Georgia
- Terre des Jeunes Nord-Ouest Cameroun, Cameroon
- Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation, India
- Wise, Netherlands
- Zaļā brīvība – Green Liberty, Latvia
When preparing decisions we actively involve experts from different backgrounds. Aside from our general Advisory Group, we also have a jury of experts to select our Climate Fund projects, a jury to select our Environmental Fund projects and occasional working groups to cover specific topics.
If you want to join one of our advisory bodies, please contact us at info@ekoenergy.org.
Secretariat and administration
EKOenergy’s Secretariat is embedded in the Environmental Policy Unit of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation. Our bookkeeping falls under that of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and is audited annually by external accountants.