EKOenergy-labelled renewables are only made available by our authorised sellers across the world. Through our EKOenergy awards, we highlight the achievements of our sellers annually.
We are happy to announce that this year, 3Degrees has won both EKOenergy’s Bamboo Award and Oak Award!
EKOenergy’s Oak Award is for the company that sold the largest volumes of EKOenergy-labelled volumes in the past year, and EKOenergy’s Bamboo Award is for the company that achieved the highest growth rate of EKOenergy-labelled sales in the past year.

Why Bamboo?
The bamboo plant’s key features are its strength and record-breaking growth rate. In addition to its many uses as a material resource, bamboo also stores high volumes of carbon and thrives without any fertiliser.

Why Oak?
Oak trees can be found almost all over the world. In many cultures, they are a symbol of strength and resistance. Oak trees can grow to a considerable size and have a long life span, stretching to over 1000 years.
Congratulations 3Degrees

3Degrees is an international sustainability consultancy and service provider, helping companies around the world achieve renewable energy and decarbonisation goals. We are happy that the hard work of the 3Degrees team has resulted in a record sales volume.
The 3Degrees team was well-prepared and full of enthusiasm when they decided to start working with our label. Both the interaction with the sales team and the annual auditing of the EKOenergy-labelled sales have always proceeded smoothly. We’d like to take the opportunity to thank 3Degrees for the fruitful cooperation over the past 3 years.
Stein Haugan, Director of Business Partnerships, Renewable Energy & Climate at 3Degrees answered our questions about 3Degrees and their success.
Can you tell us a bit more about your company?
3Degrees is a leading global climate solutions provider and Certified B Corporation. We’ve been around for nearly 20 years and our work is driven by the need for urgent climate action. We deliver a full suite of clean energy and decarbonisation solutions to help global Fortune 500 companies, utilities, and other organisations achieve their climate goals and address emissions in the fight against climate change. Our international team at 3Degrees brings a commitment to integrity and deep expertise in global climate strategy and implementation across scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, including net zero, environmental commodities, renewable energy and carbon project development, and transportation decarbonisation.
How does the EKOenergy label fit in 3Degrees’ vision and strategy?
One of 3Degrees’ core values is integrity, which fits well with the EKOenergy label’s commitment to quality and doing things the right way. We have a commitment to responsible procurement, and we endeavour to always do the right thing, even when no one is watching. The EKOenergy label helps our clients to increase their impact by ensuring the integrity of their climate commitment, and that is something we proudly stand by.
“[T]he label enables our clients to see the positive impact they’d be having, which immediately makes EKOenergy products an attractive option for them”
3Degrees became an authorised seller of EKOenergy in 2020, and 3 years later you are now the largest seller in a very competitive field. What’s the secret to your success?
EKOenergy is a good product, so it’s not difficult to sell. We did a large outreach when we first became an authorised seller in 2020, and have a large portfolio of customers that are keen on purchasing quality renewable products. This label proves that the energy they are purchasing meets a high standard and is actually doing what it claims – making a difference in the fight against climate change.
A lot of our clients also want to go above just the environmental benefits and have another positive impact related to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). EKOenergy fits that mould. EKOenergy-labelled products can ensure they meet the criteria for specific SDGs and make a difference in developing countries where the path to renewable energy is difficult.
For instance, I work with a large luxury goods retailer that wants to meet its renewable energy targets but also contribute to new renewables in developing countries. When buying EKOenergy certificates to cover their global energy load, they ensure that they’re buying energy from places that meet higher standards than normal and have the additionality they’re looking for.
In short, the label enables our clients to see the positive impact they’d be having, which immediately makes EKOenergy products an attractive option for them.
What aspects of EKOenergy do you like the most yourself?
Personally, I like the additionality that comes with EKOenergy-labelled certificates. I love that an organisation’s purchase of this energy is helping to lead to the creation of new clean energy projects in places that need it.
Published: 12 June 2023