For the last year, we have been studying the situation in China and Japan with our Chinese and Japanese contacts. This autumn our East-Asia Liaison Coordinator Merve Gungor will be in China for contacting relevant stakeholders.
Background and history
EKOenergy started in 2013 as an ecolabel for the European electricity market. In 2015, we decided to expand our activities to other areas too. This decision was a direct result of two important evolutions.
First of all, in 2015 the Greenhouse Gas Protocol published its ‘Scope 2 Guidance’, recommending companies to switch to renewable energy contracts. Secondly, towards the end of the year (i.e. in the months before the Paris Climate Summit) more and more companies really committed to using 100% renewable electricity worldwide.
EKOenergy is now helping international energy consumers go for 100% renewable energy. We inform companies about existing options and help them make the best choice.
Moving into Asia
In 2015 and 2016, we actively reached out to NGOs in many countries and brainstormed about the potential for cooperation, including China and Japan. From this year onwards, we are speeding up.
To get started in new countries, we are using similar methods as those that have earlier proved successful in Europe. This means, amongst other things, that we work in close cooperation with local actors. We also involve trainees and volunteers who help us communicate in the local languages.
In May, we started a cooperation project with the Chinese Chongqing Renewable Energy Society. This cooperation is a part of the EU-China NGO Twinning Exchange Program. In June and July, we hosted Mr Ma Dingping in our office, and in September and October, Merve Güngör from the EKOenergy Secretariat will be in China. We already convinced some companies with activities in China to switch to EKOenergy, and we are sure that many more will follow.
Since March 2017, we have hosted Chie Takahashi from Japan. She helps us to get in contact with Japanese stakeholders and has translated several of our texts to Japanese (See e.g. our Japanese leaflet and the Japanese translation of our summary of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance). We welcome traineeship applications from Japanese speakers who are enthusiastic about renewables in Japan and wish to help the energy sector move in the right direction.
Let’s join strengths
If you are interested in joining strengths with us, in China, Japan or in any other country, please get in touch! In September and October 2017 Merve Güngör is in China and available for meetings, seminars and workshops.

Posted on 25 August 2017