For every megawatt-hour of EKOenergy, a minimum of €0.10 is allocated to our Climate Fund and used to support carefully selected high-impact renewable energy projects in low- and middle-income countries. All funded projects illustrate how renewable energy, particularly solar energy, can enhance the living conditions of disadvantaged communities and contribute to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), and SDG 3 (Good health and well-being).
Over the past years, we have granted 4 million euros to 122 projects. You can find all these projects, together with a short description, on the map below, or you can read more about the finalised projects in our Climate Stories leaflets.
As EKOenergy grows, so does our Climate Fund, allowing us to fund more renewable energy projects each year. We are right now selecting about 20 new projects, for a total sum of about 1 million euros. For more information about the selection process, check out our Funding Information page.
In a promising evolution, in 2024, we received an additional Climate Fund contribution of almost 4 million euros mainly thanks to voluntary payments above the minimum Climate Fund contribution of €0.10/MWh. This allows us to approve, for the first time, several large, multi-annual projects of more than 1 million euros each. The selection process is progressing well and we will announce the grantees in early 2025. Stay tuned for more.
Almost weekly, we receive texts and photos from one or more of the projects we are funding. Sometimes, the grantees send us updates when they achieve important milestones, such as the installation of panels or a formal inauguration. In addition, grantees also submit interim reports and final reports, as contractually agreed. We regularly share such update and photos in our regular newsletters and our social media. See, for example, on Linkedin, Instagram, or YouTube.
EKOenergy’s Climate Fund is explicitly mentioned in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. It is also highlighted in Good SDG Practices publication of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the UN Energy Compact Progress Report 2024.
EKOenergy also has a separate Environmental Fund to mitigate the damage done by hydropower plants. Our Environmental Fund finances mainly river restoration projects to improve living conditions for aquatic species.
Published: 31 December 2024