EKOenergy: Powering a sustainable future
The UN’s Energy Compacts Annual Progress Report, published today during the ongoing UN General Assembly, highlights EKOenergy’s concrete contributions to realising the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 7, Affordable and Clean Energy for All.
The Energy Compacts are a platform developed by UN-Energy to secure voluntary commitments that accelerate the transition to renewable energy and provide access to electricity and clean cooking technologies by 2030.
Thanks a lot to all those involved in our work. Your growing support allows us to achieve more, and more impactful, results each year!
Also thanks a lot to the authors of the report, for the very good overview of our work and for noticing our efforts.
You can find a link to the relevant pages of the report here. Or check out the complete report on the website of the United Nations.
Published: 25 September 2024