Based on our experiences in the last 9 years and in response to the feedback we have received from our main stakeholders, we propose to delete chapter 3.5 of our criteria (EKOenergy – Governance structure and criteria for electricity). That chapter deals with the composition and activities of EKOenergy’s Arbitration Panel.
The goal of the Arbitration Panel is to solve conflicts between members of our supporting network or between EKOenergy and its licensees, but this process has never been used. If a conflict ever arises, there are many efficient alternatives to having an arbitration panel, including private arbitration processes.
This step will help us further simplify and professionalise our governance structure.
The proposal will be submitted to our Board for a final vote in July 2022.
If you would like to share thoughts and comments, contact us at infoekoenergy.org. Comments that reach us before the 30th of June will be included in the texts for the Board.
Published: 24 April 2022 – Photo: mohamed_hassan, Pixabay.