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The town of Espartinas sets an example with their choice of EKOenergy

Espartinas, a town in the sunny region of Seville (Andalusia) in Spain, is the first town that uses EKOenergy from their on-site solar installation to power their public administration buildings and schools! The EKOenergy ecolabel is for the consumed volumes of renewable energy, including energy that is produced on-site for self-consumption. In addition to individuals […]

The town of Espartinas sets an example with their choice of EKOenergy Read More »

Group Iliad event

Iliad Group: Now powered with 100% EKOenergy-labelled electricity

100% renewable electricity with extra criteria to guarantee sustainability and additionality The Iliad Group is a fast-growing European provider of telecommunication services, with main activities in France, Italy and Poland. Their operations as a mobile phone service provider include prepaid sim cards, internet access and hosting services. Last year, the Iliad Group decided to switch

Iliad Group: Now powered with 100% EKOenergy-labelled electricity Read More »

ECOTEC University uses EKOenergy-labelled energy from its on-site installation

Education for sustainable development – interview with Dr. Gilda Alcívar García, rector of ECOTEC University EKOenergy is an ecolabel for renewable energy consumption. Companies and individuals are not the only ones  that  can use EKOenergy-labelled energy and benefit from its additional advantages. The ecolabel is also available to colleges and universities, for example. By choosing

ECOTEC University uses EKOenergy-labelled energy from its on-site installation Read More »

Favini uses EKOenergy-labelled electricity for its sustainable paper production lines

Italian paper and mould manufacturer Favini is a world leader in the design and production of release paper used in various sectors, including fashion and technical-sportswear. One of their most innovative and renowned products is packaging, made from the waste of natural raw materials such as algae, fruit, nuts and leather. We interviewed Barbara del Sasso,

Favini uses EKOenergy-labelled electricity for its sustainable paper production lines Read More »

EKOenergy for Ecuador: First consumer, Tecopesca

Thanks to growing demand from environmentally-conscious energy consumers and sellers, EKOenergy-labelled renewable energy is available in many continents. Choosing EKOenergy isn’t only an extra step for the climate and nature, it’s also an extra step for your communication activities by announcing your participation in the energy transition. We are happy to announce that EKOenergy’s several

EKOenergy for Ecuador: First consumer, Tecopesca Read More »

Coopérations Entreprises Socio-Culturelles from Luxembourg is now using EKOenergy too

Coopérations Entreprises Socio-Culturelles refers to two organisations in Luxembourg: Coopérations Asbl and Coopérations Société Coopérative. One is a non-profit socio-cultural organisation focused on art and culture, social involvement and helping people reach their potential. The other is a socio-economically-oriented enterprise functioning as a workshop which offers work opportunities to people with psychosocial handicaps in the

Coopérations Entreprises Socio-Culturelles from Luxembourg is now using EKOenergy too Read More »

Verdonce: natural home textiles made in Spain using EKOenergy

Verdonce is a Spanish brand of products that will help you make your home more sustainable and reduce waste, therefore helping the environment. Their products are made with natural materials from local suppliers and are hand-made in Madrid. We interviewed the founders of Verdonce Mónica García and Oliver Green,  also known among their friends as

Verdonce: natural home textiles made in Spain using EKOenergy Read More »

L’Arbre à Café pali ziarna kawy, używając odnawialnego gazu z etykietą EKOenergy.

L’Arbre à Café jest palarnią kawy, która importuje najlepszej jakości ziarna bezpośrednio u rolników i pali je w Paryżu, używając do tego gazu z etykietą EKOenergy. Ziarna kawy używane przez L’Arbre à Café pochodzą ze zrównoważonego, regeneracyjnego rolnictwa i zróżnicowanych lasów; można je zakupić przez Internet oraz w dwóch paryskich sklepach. Zadaliśmy twórcy L’Arbre à

L’Arbre à Café pali ziarna kawy, używając odnawialnego gazu z etykietą EKOenergy. Read More »

Toyota Baltic AS uses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity

Toyota and Lexus vehicles importer in all three Baltic countries, Toyota Baltic AS, chose EKOenergy for consumption in their headquarters located in Tallinn, Estonia! We interviewed Marek Maide, General Manager of Toyota Baltic AS Marketing Division, to learn more about Toyota’s sustainability goals, how they see their role in the energy transition and about their

Toyota Baltic AS uses EKOenergy-labelled renewable electricity Read More »

Ritex: German condom producer uses EKOenergy

Ritex, a German condom and lubricant producer, is now using EKOenergy-labelled electricity, incorporating the EKOenergy logo into their newest product line PRO NATURE. We asked them a few questions about this recent development, to learn more about their focus on sustainability and what led them to choose EKOenergy-labelled electricity.  Why did you choose to start an environmentally friendly product

Ritex: German condom producer uses EKOenergy Read More »

Agricultural energy source-to-consumer: The first agro-energy community to use 100% EKOenergy

Founded in 2018, today it includes more than 1200 Italian companies and homes Agricultural energy source-to-consumer is the first community of Italian farms using 100% renewable and sustainable EKOenergy-labelled energy. Launched in 2018, thanks to the collaboration between Coldiretti and ForGreen Spa Società Benefit (Benefit Corporation), the project aims to raise awareness about and encourage

Agricultural energy source-to-consumer: The first agro-energy community to use 100% EKOenergy Read More »

Pixartprinting, leading company for printing services in Europe, chose EKOenergy

Pixartprinting is an Italian company specialising in the online provision of personalised printing services. In 2018, they joined the Be ForGreen Be Sustainable community becoming a consumer who uses 100% renewable, traceable and EKOenergy-ecolabelled energy. Through this, Pixartprinting has contributed to the avoidance of 3,581 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere each year, actively

Pixartprinting, leading company for printing services in Europe, chose EKOenergy Read More »

Vesica Piscis: 100% sustainable vegan shoes “made in Spain”

As part of EKOenergy’s #PassionForGreenFashion campaign, we interviewed Francisco Rico, head of sales and administration of Vesica Piscis footwear, a vegan shoes and accessories brand that consumes EKOenergy. As the fashion industry is one of the major contributors to global warming, many companies are aware that their business models have a high environmental cost and

Vesica Piscis: 100% sustainable vegan shoes “made in Spain” Read More »

Urban Beer: the first brewery in Spain producing with EKOenergy

EKOenergy’s campaign „EKOenergy for your brewery„, launched in 2016, was one of the finalists in the EU Sustainable Energy Week Awards 2018. The campaign aims at informing breweries about using renewable energy. In addition to Italian and Finnish breweries, Urban Beer became the first EKOenergy-labelled beer in Spain. Urban Beer, producing handmade and natural beer in

Urban Beer: the first brewery in Spain producing with EKOenergy Read More »