In 2021, we continued to relentlessly promote renewable energy in many ways and achieved numerous concrete results. You can read more about our activities and achievements in our annual report EKOenergy ecolabel in 2021.
EKOenergy updates from 2021 include the following:

- We welcomed new EKOenergy users of all sizes such as the French telecom operator Groupe Iliad, the Ecuadorian university ECOTEC and the Spanish municipality Espartinas.
- We financed 13 new renewable energy projects in off-grid villages
- We received the European Citizen’s Prize from the European Parliament and and Merve Güngör from our Secretariat was nominated as one of the finalists of the EU Sustainable Energy Awards (EUSEW).
- Our outreach activities included a renewable energy campaign targeting cosmetics companies. We also enthusiastically joined the “Together for 100% renewable energy” campaign of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.
- The volumes sold with the EKOenergy ecolabel reached their highest in 2020, with an increase of 20% from the volumes of 2019. The preliminary numbers show that in 2021, we maintained at least the same growth rate.
Thanks a lot to all those who were involved, in particular to the growing group of EKOenergy users and licensees. Our work for a 100% renewable world wouldn’t be possible without you.
There are many hopeful signs that the energy transition is on its way and speeding up worldwide, but it is clearly not going fast enough. Let’s continue creating an extra positive impact together!
Published: 17 January 2022